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Bangladesh, Myanmar agree to start Rohingya return in two months

YANGON (AFP) – Bangladesh and Myanmar will start repatriating refugees in two months, Dhaka said Thursday, as global pressure mounts over a crisis that has forced more than half a million Rohingya to flee across the border.

The United Nations says 620,000 Rohingya have arrived in Bangladesh since August and now live in squalor in the world s largest refugee camp after a military crackdown in Myanmar that Washington said this week clearly constitutes “ethnic cleansing”.

After months of wrangling, Myanmar s civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi and Dhaka s Foreign Minister A.H. Mahmood Ali inked a deal in Myanmar s capital Naypyidaw on Thursday 23 Nov 2017. Dhaka said they had agreed to start returning the refugees to mainly Buddhist Myanmar in two months. “This is a primary step. (They) will take back (Rohingya). Now we have to start working,” Ali told reporters in Naypyidaw.

“Western countries as well the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) had portrayed the matter as an international issue by passing resolutions at the UN Human Rights Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations,” her office said in a statement.

The tentative deal comes the day after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who met with Suu Kyi in Myanmar last week, issued Washington strongest-yet denunciation. “It is clear that the situation in northern Rakhine state constitutes ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya,” Tillerson said. “No provocation can justify the horrendous atrocities that have ensued.”

The European Union s top diplomat, Federica Mogherini, said it was “an important and welcomed step towards addressing one of the worst humanitarian and human rights crises of our times”. Mogherini, who visited Myanmar, urged both nations to act swiftly to enable the “voluntary, safe and dignified return” of the refugees, in a statement.

Rohingya doubtful

Rights groups have raised concerns about the repatriation plans, including questioning where the minority will be resettled after hundreds of their villages were razed, and how their safety will be ensured in a country where anti-Muslim sentiment is surging. The stateless Rohingya have been the target of communal violence and vicious anti-Muslim sentiment in mainly Buddhist Myanmar for years.

Pope Francis: ‘The presence of God today is also called Rohingya’

Dec 1, 2017| (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Pope Francis referred to the Rohingya people by name, the first time he has directly addressed Myanmar’s persecuted Muslim minority in his Asia tour. “The presence of God today is also called Rohingya,” the Pope said after speaking to an interfaith audience in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka.

He did not use the term in public earlier in the week in Myanmar, to the dismay of campaigners for the Rohingya, whose stories of escaping violence in the country have provoked international condemnation. Friday is the final full day of his trip.  After his speech, the Pope met a group of Rohingya refugees one by one, giving some of them blessings and listening to the stories of others.  “Your tragedy is very hard, very big. We give you space in our hearts,” the Pope said. “In the name of everyone, of those who persecute you, those who hurt you, and especially of the world’s indifference, I ask for your forgiveness. Forgive us.”

“Many of you talked to me about the great heart of Bangladesh, which offered you refuge. Now I appeal to your heart to give us the forgiveness we are asking from you,” he told the group of refugees after meeting them.

During a speech  alongside Myanmar’s de facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, Pope Francis did not use the term Rohingya despite hopes he would do so.


Iran-Iraq magnitude-7.3 earthquake: 483 dead, 12,386 injured

(Nov 12, 2017) The magnitude-7.3 earthquake struck villages and towns in the mountainous area of Kermanshah province on Sunday night  while many people were at home asleep. ‘Those killed included 237 men and 246 women,” Iranian Legal Medicine Organization Kermanshah office Artin Kamali told Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).  Among those who were killed were 425 people from Sarpol-e Zahab, 19 from Dalahu, 16 from Qasr-e Shirin, 12 ones from Salas-e Babajani, one from Kermanshah, one from Tazehabad, one person from Eslamabad-e Gharb and 2 others have not been identified.

 The massive jolt, which also rocked other western provinces of Iran and areas in eastern Iraq, was also felt as far as Persian Gulf states of Qatar and Kuwait in the south, the Occupied Palestine in the west, and Turkey in the north of the quake-stricken Iran and Iraq. State television said thousands were huddling in makeshift camps while many others spent a second night in the open for fear of more tremors to come after some 193 aftershocks.


Egypt Rawda Mosque Attack Martyred 305, 128 injured

Mosque Attack is the Deadliest in Egypt’s Modern History

Mosque Attack Draws Furious Response but Exposes Egypt’s Failing Strategy ‘NYT’

(Nov 24, 2017) The death toll from the Rawda mosque attack , including 27 children, in addition to 128 injured, making the attack the deadliest in Egypt’s history, according to a statement issued by the General Prosecution.

“Around 25 to 30 takfiri elements holding IS flags” appeared inside the mosque as its preacher was delivering the Friday sermon, and started shooting at prayer-attendees, the statement said according to information sent from the North Sinai directorate to the General Prosecution.  The statement continued that militants arrived at the mosque in five four-wheel-drive vehicles and burned seven cars belonging to mosque-goers.

Egypt’s Armed Forces launched air strikes, killing a number of militants in North Sinai, who were among the group involved in the attack on the mosque, according to a statement from a military spokesperson on Friday evening.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack thus far. However, both Hasm movement and Jund Al-Islam, an Al-Qaeda affiliated group in North Sinai, issued a statement denying responsibility.



Former Secretary of State John Kerry believes that the Israeli government is not doing its part to foster peace with Palestine. In recordings published earlier by Channel 10, an Israeli TV news station, Kerry celebrates Palestine for committing to a peaceful solution to the decades-long conflict. “The Palestinians have done an extraordinary job of remaining committed to nonviolence,” Kerry says. “When the intifada took place [in 2015] they delivered non-violence in the West Bank.”

 “This is overlooked by the general [Israeli] populations because it is not a topic of discussion,” Kerry continues. “Why? Because the majority of the cabinet currently in the Israeli government has publicly declared they are not ever for a Palestinian state.”

According to Channel 10, the recording is from a conference last year in Dubai attended by some of the Middle East’s most influential policymakers.

According to The Times of Israel, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Channel 10 in a statement that his office would “continue to safeguard Israel’s security and national interests,” regardless of “those who tried to prod [Israel] to make dangerous concessions and failed.” Netanyahu also said that peace talks with Palestine have stalled because they refuse to “recognize Israel within any border.”  “It is unfortunate John Kerry still doesn’t get this,” the statement concluded.

‘Courtesy Newsdesk’


Palestinians say they won’t be blackmailed by US move to close PLO office

RAMALLAH/WASHINGTON: (18 Nov, 2017) Palestinian officials expressed surprise at a US decision to close the Palestine Liberation Organization office in Washington unless the group enters peace negotiations with Israel, and said they would not surrender to blackmail. A US State Department official said that under legislation passed by Congress, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson could not renew a certification that expired this month for the PLO office, “given certain statements made by the Palestinian leaders about the International Criminal Court.” The law says the PLO, the main Palestinian umbrella political body, cannot operate a Washington office if it urges the ICC to prosecute Israelis for alleged crimes against Palestinians.

In an address to the United Nations General Assembly in September, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian Authority called on the ICC “to open an investigation and to prosecute Israeli officials for their involvement in settlement activities and aggressions against our people.”


Israeli general in unprecedented public offer to share intelligence with Saudi Arabia as alarm grows over Iran 16 NOV 2017 | By:  Raf Sanchez, Jerusalem |  Josie Ensor, Beirut

Israel’s top military commander has given an unprecedented interview to a Saudi website, offering to share intelligence between the Jewish state and the Arab regional power in a joint effort to counter Iran. Lieutenant General Gadi Eisenkot told the Saudi-owned Elaph news site that Saudi Arabia and Israel – two countries that do not have formal diplomatic relations – should work together in a “new international alliance” against Iran.  “We are ready to exchange experiences with moderate Arab countries and exchange intelligence to confront Iran,” the Israeli chief of staff said. “We are ready to share information if necessary. There are many common interests between us and them.” The general’s words and his decision to grant the interview to an Arab outlet show the growing convergence between Saudi Arabia and Israel over their shared alarm at Iran’s influence in the Middle East.


An Israeli blogger’s photograph from inside one of Islam’s holiest sites set off a firestorm in the Middle East 22 NOVEMBER 2017 | By : Raf Sanchez, Jerusalem

At first glance the photograph seems unremarkable. A bearded man in traditional Arab garb stands in the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina, the second holiest site in Islam, and smiles broadly at the camera. But clutched under his arm is something unusual: a small satchel adorned with Hebrew writing. Inside the bag are tefillin, small boxes of Torah scrolls which observant Jews wrap around their arms and heads during prayers. The man in the photograph is Ben Tzion, a 31-year-old Israeli blogger, and his pictures from inside the Saudi mosque where the Prophet Mohammed is buried have set off a firestorm on social media in the Arab world.


Missile from Yemen intercepted over Saudi capital

(5 NOVEMBER 2017) Saudi Arabia intercepted and destroyed a ballistic missile over Riyadh after it was launched from conflict-torn Yemen, with debris landing inside the capital’s international airport, officials said. The missile attack claimed by Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels was the first aimed at the heart of the Saudi capital, underscoring the growing threat posed by the raging conflict in Yemen. Residents in Riyadh reported a loud explosion near the King Khalid International Airport just north of the city after the missile was shot down, but authorities reported no major damage or loss of life.


Lebanon’s premier Hariri suspends resignation after return to Beirut

22 Nov, 2017|  Josie Ensor, Middle east correspondent

Lebanon’s prime minister has announced  he is suspending the resignation he made from Saudi Arabia more than two weeks ago, easing a political crisis that has rocked the country. Saad Hariri landed back in Beirut after 17 days away, in time for Lebanon’s independence day celebrations. President Michel Aoun had said he would not accept his resignation from Riyadh and told Mr Hariri he would have to tender it in person, saying he believed he was coerced from his Saudi backers.


Former Bosnian Serbian commander Ratko Mladic Sentenced to life in prison for genocide

( 22 NOV,  2017 ) The Hague – Netherlands

Ratko Mladic, the former Bosnian Serb military commander known as the ‘Butcher of Bosnia’ was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity. The 74-year-old war criminal was found guilty of orchestrating massacres and ethnic cleansing during Bosnia’s 1992-95 war, including the massacre at Srebrenica, Europe’s worst atrocity since World War Two. Previous judgments of the tribunal in the Netherlands already ruled that the massacre of about 8,000 Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica was genocide.

UN Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) found Mladic guilty of 10 of 11 charges, including the slaughter of 8,000 Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica and the siege of the Bosnian capital Sarajevo, in which more than 10,000 civilians died. Judge Alphons Orie ruled that the perpetrators of the crimes committed in Srebrenica intended to destroy the Muslims living there.

He also ruled that Mladic carried out and personally oversaw a deadly campaign of sniping and shelling in Sarajevo.

“The crimes committed rank among the most heinous known to humankind,” he said.

The former general initially appeared relaxed as he listened intently to the verdict, but was later removed from the courtroom after he shouted at the judges when he was refused an adjournment. His lawyer said Mladic needed a break for treatment of high blood pressure, but the judge continued reading the verdict after Mladic’s removal from court.


Bosnian war criminal dies after ‘drinking poison’ in court as he loses appeal 29 NOVEMBER 2017 |  By:  Roland Oliphant

Slobodan Praljak, a commander of Croat forces during the 1990s war in Bosnia, swigged poison from a flask moments after a panel of appeals judges upheld his 20 year sentence for war crimes on Wednesday morning.

He was pronounced dead two hours later. Dutch police declared the courtroom a crime scene and have opened an investigation.

Praljak, 72, was jailed in 2013 for his role in war crimes including a massacre of civilians in central Bosnia and the deliberate destruction of Mostar bridge during the siege of the city by Croatian forces in 1993.   He committed suicide when Carmel Agius, the presiding judge, read out a verdict rejecting his appeal.

Refusing to sit, he said: “Judges, Slobodan Praljak is not a war criminal. With disdain, I reject this verdict.” Ignoring a request to sit down, he swigged from what appeared to be a small flask and announced: “what I drank was poison.”


Migrants to Europe by sea at 150,000 in 2017, 3,000 dead ‘More difficult to forecast the trend right now’ – IOM

08 NOVEMBER,  2017: (ANS Amed) – GENEVA – The United Nations’ International Organization for Migration (IOM) said 154,609 migrants and refugees have reached Europe by sea since the beginning of this year, and a total of 2,965 have lost their lives at sea during the Mediterranean crossing. In just four days last week, more than 2,560 migrants were rescued, with 34 bodies recovered and about 50 people missing, including what are believed to be 26 Nigerian women among the victims, IOM said. Figures from recent days show a reversal, perhaps only temporary, of the downward trend in arrivals to Italy in recent months from Libya. “It is more difficult than ever to forecast the trend right now,” said Federico Soda, director of the IOM Coordination Office for the Mediterranean, cited in a statement published in Geneva. (ANSAmed).


30 migrants dead and 200 rescued off Libyan coast says country’s navy

25 NOV, 2017  ( Agence France-Presse)  The coastguard conducted two rescue operations off the city of Garabulli, 60 kilometres (40 miles) east of Tripoli, spokesman Colonel Abu Ajila Abdelbarri said. He added that patrols had found 31 bodies and 60 survivors from one boat, while all 140 passengers had survived in a second boat. Libyan navy spokesman Ayoub Qassem told AFP that 18 women and three children were among the dead recovered from the sea, while 40 people were missing. Migrants from Somalia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Nigeria and four from Pakistan were among those rescued.


China builds world’s fastest amphibious assault vehicle (20-11-2017) | By TRACY YOU FOR MAILONLINE

26.5-tonne VN18 is said to be the fastest amphibious assault vehicle in the world

It’s fitted with a cannon, machine gun, anti-tank missile and smoke grenades

China’s state broadcaster called it a ‘magical weapon’ in a recent programme

The weapon’s maker claimed U.S. tried to developed faster ones, but failed

The formidable armoured vehicle, called VN18, boasts a maximum speed of 65 kmh (40 mph) on the ground and 30 kmh (19mph) on water and is the fastest of its kind in the world, reported China Central Television Station. The 26.5-tonne beast is said to be equipped with a cannon, a machine gun and an anti-tank missile. It can carry three drivers and 11 soldiers.

The 1,600-horsepower assault vehicle was billed as China’s ‘magical weapon’ by the programme. It’s said to be a modified variant of ZTD05 Light Tank, which was developed between 2000 and 2005. Built with aluminium alloys, VN18 is armoured with a 30mm cannon, a 7.62mm machine gun, an anti-tank missile and smoke grenades, said the report. The military vehicle is produced by Norinco Group, a state-owned weapon manufacturer in China.

 Last month, China Central Television Station revealed the country’s first ever images of a model of its hypersonic glide vehicle, a nuclear weapons expert claimed. The secretive missile delivery craft, known as the DF-ZF, could travel at up to ten times the speed of sound (7,680 mph/12,360 kph) according to some estimates. Its speed will ensure the country’s nuclear threat can reliably breach the United States’ ballistic missile defence shield, which fires incoming strikes out of the air.


American mercenaries are torturing Saudi princes: British media

  • Source in Saudi Arabia says American private security contractors are carrying out’interrogations’ on princes and billionaires arrested in crackdown
  • Detained members of Saudi elite have been hung by their feet and beaten by interrogates, source says
  • Among those hung upside down are Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, an investor worth at least $7 billion who is being held at Riyadh’s Ritz Carlton
  • Arrests were ordered three weeks ago by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
  • Source claims mercenaries are from ‘Blackwater’, a claim also made by Lebanese president
  • But its successor firm denies it has any operations in Saudi Arabia whatsoever and says its staff abide by U.S. law
  • Americans who commit torture abroad can be jailed for up to 20 years
  • Insider claims Saudi princes and billionaires ‘tortured and insulted’ following brutal crackdown

SHOCKING details about the treatment of detained Saudi princes and billionaires have emerged as the oil-rich kingdom’s anti-corruption crackdown continues. SAUDI royalty and billionaires are being strung up by their feet and beaten by American private security contractors, according to insider reports. It comes after the Ritz-Carlton in Riyadh was commandeered to house almost 50 Saudi royals and dignitaries arrested earlier this month by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s anti-corruption committee. The group of detainees reportedly includes military officials and government ministers as well as 11 princes  among them Prince Alwaleed bin Talal whose $US10 billion fortune makes him the 10th richest man on the planet.


Saudi Crown Prince says anti-corruption drive is Essential for the Kingdom’s reputation

Arab News – (24 November 2017) | DUBAI: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has dismissed claims that the anticorruption drive in his country that led to the arrest of several prominent royals was a power grab, saying such comments were “ludicrous.” He said the public prosecutor believed the amount of funds that could eventually be recovered could amount to “$100 billion in settlements.”

Speaking in an interview with the New York Times foreign affairs Op-Ed columnist Thomas L. Friedman, he said that many of those being held in the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton had pledged allegiance to him and the proposed reforms.

He said: “Our country has suffered a lot from corruption from the 1980s until today. The calculation of our experts is that roughly 10 percent of all government spending was siphoned off by corruption each year, from the top levels to the bottom. Over the years the government launched more than one ‘war on corruption’ and they all failed. Why? Because they all started from the bottom up.” He explained that when his father, King Salman  who was clear of any corruption charges  came to power, they decided it was time to put an end to the problems tarnishing the country’s reputation.


Korea tests ICBM in fresh challenge to Trump

SEOUL (AFP) – (Nov 29, 2017)

North Korea test fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, in a major challenge to US President Donald Trump after he slapped fresh sanctions on Pyongyang and declared it a state sponsor of terrorism. It was the nuclear-armed North s first ballistic test in more than two months and an initial Pentagon assessment said the ICBM flew about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) before splashing down within Japan s maritime Economic Exclusion Zone.

 At least one expert said its lofted trajectory suggested an actual range of 13,000 kilometres that would bring every city in the continental United States within range.


A UN report says one point two five (1.25) million people are facing starvation in South Sudan.The report has warned that this war-torn country could once again plunge into famine by next year. Meanwhile, UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization says the only way to avoid further deterioration in South Sudan in the short term is peace.


Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe finally resigns, Ending 37-Year Rule Sparking wild jubilation on the streets of Harare

21 NOVEMBER 2017  | HARARE, Zimbabwe  Robert Mugabe, who ruled Zimbabwe since independence in 1980 and once proclaimed that “only God will remove me,” resigned as president  on Tuesday 21 Nov, 2017  bringing to an end 37 years in power which he began as a hero of the struggle against white rule and ended as the man blamed for reducing his country to despotism and economic misery. The streets of Harare erupted in celebration after Mr Mugabe’s resignation was announced during a joint session of both houses of the Zimbabwean parliament that had gathered to launch impeachment proceedings on Tuesday afternoon.

“My decision to resign is voluntary on my part and arises from my concern for the welfare of the people of Zimbabwe and my desire for a smooth, non-violent transfer of power,” Mr Mugabe said in a letter read out by Jacob Mudenda, the speaker of parliament.



The gunman reportedly walked into the church shortly before noon at a morning service and opened fire on the worshippers. Officials said they believe the attack stemmed from a domestic issue after they discovered Kelley had sent his mother-in-law threatening messages. His mother-in-law attended the First Baptist Church, but was not there at the time of the shooting.


India Test Fires BrahMos  Nuclear-Capable Cruise Missile From Fighter Jet 23 November 2017 | Rahul Dutta | New Delhi

With the successful maiden test-firing of BrahMos missile from a fighter jet on Wednesday, India has completed the supersonic cruise missile triad. The Army and the Navy have already inducted these missiles. Given the precision-strike ability of BrahMos, the armed forces can now destroy terrorist hideouts inside enemy territory, aircraft carriers, nuclear command hubs, command and control centres and other military targets from air, land and sea. The triad will enable India to protect its area on strategic interest as it faces constant threat from Pakistan and China.

Jointly designed and developed by India and Russia, BrahMos can take out a target at a range of more than 290 kms. India joined the 34-nation Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) last year, which allows it to increase the range of the supersonic missile to more than 450 kms.

 The Army and the Navy have already started enhancing the ranges. This range was capped at 300 kms as India was not part of 34-nation MTCR, which bans the proliferation of missiles having a range over 300 kms.

Explaining the significance of the aerial version, officials said speed and stealth are the essence of modern day warfare as the enemy also has potent defence systems to protect its air and maritime space. Capable of flying at more than 700 kms per minute and capable of covering a range of 2,000 km, the SU-30 can quickly launch BrahMos. Since the BrahMos weighs 2.5 tonne, the SU-30s can carry one missile at a time and fire it from a distance, escaping the surface-to-air missiles and enemy aircraft since time is very crucial in such missions.

With this test, the Indian Air Force (IAF) becomes the world’s first air power to possess such “unbeatable and unmatched” combat capability which will empower it to penetrate and strike “deep in the heart” of the adversary evading the most hardened air defence means, sources added.


Tehreek-e-Labbaik Chief Khadim Hussain Rizvi calls off Islamabad Sit-in after 22 days striking deal with Govt. Tehreek-e-Labbaik chief asks the protesters to return homes Law minister Zahid Hamid steps down with ‘clear conscious’

ISLAMABAD  (27 Nov 2017) The sit-in that was staged as a protest  against the amendment in the Khatam e Nabuuwat clause in  the recently passed Election Act 2017 came to an end hours after the Pakistani government and Tehreek-e-Labbaik struck a deal  brokered by the Army  putting an end to the escalating wave of tension across the country.

While the PML-N government appears to have given in to all the  demands by the protesting side after  certain assurance of not resorting to violence, the truce pact also makes the religio-political party bound to refrain from issuing any fatwa (decree) against Law Minister Zahid  Hamid  the man blamed to have introduced the controversial ‘Khattam-Nabuwwat amendment’ in the Election Reforms Bill.

Text of agreement signed with protesters

ISLAMABAD: (27 Nov, 2017) Leaders of religious parties on early Monday eventually reached an agreement with the government to amicably end 22-day long Faizabad sit-in staged by Tehreek-i-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah Pakistan.

As per details, Federal Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal and Federal Interior Secretary Arshad Mirza signed the agreement from government’s side while Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Pir Afzal Qadri and Muhammad Waheed Noor signed the agreement from on behalf of the religious parties.

  1. The Federal Law Minister should resign through whose ministry amendment in the law relating to Finality of Prophethood was made. The TLYRA would not issue any Fatwa (verdict) against the minister.
  2. TLP appreciates the amendment (inclusion of 7B, 7C) made in Election Act along with the affidavit by the government on demand of TLYRA, however, report of Leader of the House in Senate, Raja Zafarul Haq committee will be made public within 30 days and action will be taken against the responsible for the earlier controversial amendment as per law of the land.
  3. All activists of TLYRA, who have been arrested/detained since start of Dharna (sit-in) from November 6, should be released within three days while cases against them be withdrawn.
  4. An Inquiry Board should be constituted in consultation with TLP to probe November 25 action of the government against the protestors. The Board should investigate, fix responsibility and propose legal action against those responsible for the operation.
  5. The damage to public and private properties from November 6 to until now (during Dharna time) should be compiled and financial loss in this regard be borne by the Federal government.
  6. Both the government and representatives of protestors also reached an agreement that the points relating to government of Punjab, upon which consensus had been made, should be implemented in letter and spirit.

Zahid Hamid  resigned as Federal Law Minister in face of countrywide protests and Faizabad sitin by religious parties over the Khatam-e-Nabuwwat clause fiasco. On Sunday 26 Nov, 2017 civil and military leaderships decided not to use force against the TLYRA protesters staging a sit-in at the Faizabad Interchange of the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. It was also decided that Rangers, not the army, will be deployed to deal with the sit-in issue.


Jalali-led TLYR faction calls off Lahore sit-in after ‘deal’ with Punjab govt

LAHORE: The Maulana Asif Jalali-led faction of the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYR), which had been holding a sit-in outside the Punjab Assembly in Lahore for the past week, concluded their protest around midnight on Friday, Dec 1, after the Punjab government convinced them to withdraw their main demand — the resignation of Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah from his post. The Lahore sit-in had been launched by the Jalali-led faction of the political party following the botched police operation against the participants of the Faizabad sit-in on Nov 25.




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