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HomeGlobal AffairsSeminar on Pakistan’s Quest for South Asian Reconciliation

Seminar on Pakistan’s Quest for South Asian Reconciliation

A Seminar was organized by Rabita Forum International on 30th April2019. Ambassador Najmuddin Shaikh, Former Foreign Secretary Government of Pakistan presided while Mr. Nusrat Mirza Chairman Rabita Forum International, Prof. Dr.  Tanweer Khalid, Prof. Dr. Huma Baqai and Ambassador Hasan Habib were the speakers.

Mr. Nusrat Mirza in his presentation showed four video Clips that proved Pakistan’s superiority over India in the February 2019 skimishes. This was admitted by Indian Air Marsshal Denzil Keelor and Air Marshal Kapil Kak and Defense Analyst Paraween Sahwani.  And Lt. General Hussain said in London based Think Tank IISS that Pakistan won on all fronts including Hybrid War.

Mr. Mirza expressed that Pakistan behaved as a very responsible nuclear State.  He pointed out some salient features of recent Pak India armed skirmishes 1) that Pakistan defense in conventional warfare is now robust other than nuclear deterrence and tactical nuclear war heads to neutralize Indian Cold Start Doctrine and Proactive Strategic Initiative (PSI) 2) Pakistan is a responsible nuclear Power. 3) Pakistan reacted in self-defense 4) Pilot was released after the assurance of Indian RAW Chief that war will not be escalated. 5) Pakistan at every point was emphasizing to negotiate. Pakistan’s quest for South Asian reconciliation was sincere and serious. Pakistan’s efforts show its strength and confidence as has been appreciated by the Major Powers of the world.  To some it was surprise but the demonstration of its seriousness and protecting its boundaries; Land, space and sea demonstrate its capability and the quest for peace. Mr. Imran Khan the Prime Minister of Pakistan has repeatedly offered India for negotiations and recently in China on 26th April 2019 repeated the offer.

Mr. Najmuddin Shaikh

In the opinion of Mr. Najmuddin Shaikh, the Peace in the South Asia has been and is under threat.  On one side Kashmir Issue and the other side peace in Afghanistan has been continuously keeping South Asia’s Peace in danger. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran has offered India for Peace as Peace is our requirement and also of the region for the development and prosperity. Pakistan has opened it boundaries to many countries.  China, Pakistan, Russia and Iran are ready to play important role in the region which will guarantee prosperity. India should reconsider its position of war mongering and join in this caravan of Peace.  South Asia has been in great need of poverty alleviation. So Peace is essential in the region for all the countries. With the war, the poverty and unemployment shall increase. Both Pakistan and India should join hands to work for reconciliation. Narenden Modi promised one crore jobs for Indian youth to which he could not meet.  The process of Peace and reconciliation has going on is Afghanistan. Talibans are being brought in to main stream. The scheme of one belt one Road is not only for China but also for Afghanistan, Iran, Central Asia and Russia. This can be judged from the huge capacity of Gawader port. This capacity cannot be fulfilled by China only. 1600 Containers will be handled daily.

Prof. Dr. Tanweer Khalid

Pakistan has played very important role for the peace and stability of South Asia. The Tension and warlike situation is not in the interest of India even. Poverty and unemployment is to be addressed by Pakistan and India. Afghan border management is a good effort by Pakistan which has reduced terrorism considerably.  The increasing influence of India in Afghanistan, however, is a matter of concern. Similarly the resolution of Indian Chahbahar influence is to be reduced.  Russia has started balancing policy towards Pakistan and India. But Indian supremacy policy is hurdle to it. Pakistan is interested in trade, cultural and working relations with India.

Prof. Dr. Huma Baqai

The issue of Kashmir is the basis of concern. India with Pawlma attacked used to create tension and war mongering which has affected India negatively. Pak China Economic Corridor is another cause of tension, though India has been invited to participate in this project. But India repeatedly denied. There were no war between Pakistan and India, but four so called wars could be said conflicts in the presence of Indus water Treaty.

Ambassador® Hasan Habib

International Media under the influence of India does issue statements against Pakistan. It created an atmosphere after Palwama. India violated Pakistani space and Pakistan punished India for its violation. In war no one succeeds, so adventurism of war is not good for India and the region. We should be inclined to develop infrastructure and land routes, sea lanes and air road should be development so that prosperity becomes the priority.

The seminar was attended by large number of Professors, doctors, students from Karachi University and Ilma University. Mr. Syed Samiullah presented the vote of thanks.



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