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HomeNational PoliticsSeminar On Defence Day 2020 - ‘Youm-e-Fateh Mubeen’ 1965 War SACRIFIES OF...

Seminar On Defence Day 2020 – ‘Youm-e-Fateh Mubeen’ 1965 War SACRIFIES OF CIVILIANS & ARMED FORCES Organized By: Rabita Forum international

Thursday 3rd September 2020, At Hotel Regent Plaza Karachi


Mian Abdul Majeed Chancellor Textile University of Pakistan Karachi and President Nazaria e Pakistan Trust Sindh

  1. Nusrat Mirza Chairman Rabita Forum International
  2. Brig.(r) Tahir Khalil
  3. Vice Admiral ® Asaf Humayun
  4. Air Commodore® Shabbir A. Khan
  5. Zafar Imam Advocate
  6. Syed Samiullah
  7. Frazana Milli Nagmat Singer
  8. MahRulh Riaz Naat Khawan

Nusrat Mirza in his opening speech said that the Pakistani Forces shattered the pride of Indian forces in1965 war. Air force ruled over the air space of India destroying its almost all fighter planes and Navy ruled over the sea. The Army stopped Indian forces attack on Lahore and shattered the dream of India to take over Lahore. Army also fought a biggest tank battle in Chowinda after Second World War. In spite that the quantity of the army and tanks of India were much more than Pakistan, the Pakistan did not let India to achieve any of its military goals. Thus technically and actually Pakistan won the 1965 war. India was aggressor. It attacked Pakistan but could capture Lahore its declared goal. Its air space and Sea was under Pakistan’s control. No challenge was faced by Pakistan in Air and sea. The army did engaged India on every front and humiliated Indian Army. The whole nation stood to defend the country without any fear.

Mian AbdulMajeed described that whole nation was so united and so happy as if they were celebrating a function. The shops were open day and night. There was no theft, no dacoit was in action and no woman was harassed. All stood to sacrifice. He gave couple of examples that a cloths sellers was ready to give to all what it had to those who removed from border area for their safety. The poets and singers were at their mark and were writing and singing milli songs to encourage the armed forces. It was supposed by the enemy that Pakistan was preparing these songs to which we call Milii Naghmat since long. Though they were written instantly and sung immediately without any rehearsal. The Nation stood with ideology of Pakistan which seems to be lacking now.

Air Commodore®Shabbir Khan said that Pakistan Air force destroyed Indian air defense and 5 planes were shot down by MM Alam in one attack. Air force’s moral was high and it challenged India everywhere and smashed their planes. Air Force believed and practiced the sayings of Quide Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Unity, Faith and Discipline.

Brig.®Tahir Khalil narrated the background of 1965 war, Run of Kuch war, operation Gibraltar and described that in 1965 Pakistan has only 5 divisions force with that force Pakistan fought the war and won. India could not achieve any one of its goal and was badly defeated.

Vice Admiral ® Asaf Humayun in his speech said that Pakistan Navy did not allow Indian Navy to come out in the open sea as our submarine was sitting outside Bombay harbor to hit India air craft carrier Vikram and its Frigate Delhi. But they did come out from Bombay harbor. Pakistan destroyed Dawarka Radar of India without resistance. Even Indian air force did not come to rescue Indian Navy.       

Millinagat were sung that were appreciated by audience and paid rich tribute to armed forces.



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