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HomeNational PoliticsNational Security of Pakistan Yome Takbeer 2016

National Security of Pakistan Yome Takbeer 2016

On Thursday, 5th May, 2016, at “Regent Plaza”, Karachi.


1. Lt. Gen. (R) Moin-ud-din Haider 2. Mr. Nusrat Mirza 3. Vice Adm. (R) Asaf Humayun 4. Prof. Dr. Talat Wizarat 5. Mr. Sufianullah 6. Mr. Zafar Imam Advocate

The seminar was organized on 26th May 2016 Oto celebrate Yome Takbeer  on 28th May 1998 when 6 atomic bombs were detonated in response to five of India. The Chief Guest said we had given befitting reply to India nukes detonation earlier in May 1998. We have become atomic power and now we have to become Economic Power and remain united. Dr. Talaat A. Wizarat said we have to face other challenges such as poverty, environmental changes and Health issues. Admiral Asaf Humayun highlighted nuclearisation on Indian Ocean by India, which is entangled war mongering. Mr. Sufianullah elaborated India designs in Indian Ocean. Mr. Nusrat Mirza spoke on other challenges such as climate change, terrorism, food security,  water switch of India to dispatch more water when we are facing flood situation and decrease water when Pakistan needs more water.



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