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HomeAmericaNawaz Obama Dialogue - Strategic Compass & Strategic Autonomy

Nawaz Obama Dialogue – Strategic Compass & Strategic Autonomy

The Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and President of United States of America met on October 22, 2015 at White House Washington. Both leaders along with their teams discussed a number of issues: Pakistan- US Civil and Military co-operation, relations of Pakistan with Afghanistan and India. Pakistan presented a dossier on Indian involvement in terrorist activities of India on Pakistan’s soil. The matter of global terrorism was also discussed together with energy requirement of Pakistan. Pakistan role to fight terrorism was also appreciated but was not rewarded significantly; however, America would see that more action be taken against Haqqani network. With the exception of a few items, like that of Lashkar e Tayyaba, all good points were discussed. The Afghanistan issue was of common interest. Pakistan is more than willing to try for dialogue between Government of Afghanistan and Pakistan. To give eight F 16 fighter planes, appreciation of Zarb e Azb’s success and a mention of Kashmir dispute, an important issue, without any commitment to resolve as per the wishes of people of Kashmir or as per UNO resolution by President of United States of America, may be considered a simple pleasing diplomacy.

Strategic Compass and Strategic Autonomy

If Khawaja Asif the Minister of Defense considers it a big success, he may feel free to do so. It does not mean anything. The Obama Administration is silent on the 200 page dossier that has been provided by Sartaj Aziz the Advisor on Foreign Affairs to his counterpart John Kerry that contains proofs of Indian involvement in FATA, Baluchistan and Karachi of naked terrorism endorsed by India itself. Perhaps, the American administration is more than pleased that India has executed the American policy to destabilize Pakistan in perfect manner. Pakistan is begging US to control India. Defense experts are of the view that both U.S and India are in agreement that Pakistan keeps on bleeding or Pakistan remains under pressure. There is a misleading perception that US wants Peace in Afghanistan. One can imagine, if peace prevailed in Afghanistan, how

1) Pakistan can be kept under pressure

2) how American can keep its nine bases

3) how India can keep its counsel offices for interference in Pakistan and

4) why present Afghan government consists of Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras would give space to Pushtoon Taliban in the government of Afghanistan when the present rulers have the Army and experience to rule as has been claimed by the ruling class of Afghanistan.

Nawaz Obama Dialogue

America has by design already divided Afghanistan after a bloody civil war. So far as the provision of eight F-16 fighter planes are concerned, it is either to please or replace the destroyed planes in war on terrorism, or it may be just a gesture that America can still supply sophisticated fighter planes like F-35 so that Pakistan does not pursue to purchase the SU-35 from Russia. The deal is perhaps in the Russian parliament for approval. As per a few western defense analysts, China and Russia have decided to raise Pakistan at the level Strategic Autonomy that Pakistan is free from the dependency on United States of America to meet its arm requirements.

The defense Minister of Pakistan was quick to respond to a question from an anchor person that the issue of nuclear arms, strategic or tactical did not come under discussion. Perhaps, it seems to be true because the issue has been discussed at another forum and discussion is still going on. As per Wall Street Journal Nawaz Sharif has given this responsibility to General Raheel Sharif who is visiting Washington soon. Perhaps the issue shall be decided or discussed then, though the issue has been discussed on daily basis as per Daily NewYork Times. Pakistan has been interested to join Nuclear Supply Group (NSG), when India has been given a waiver by USA. America, in return would like that some of its demands are met as per American newspapers such as

1) Stop further enrichment of Uranium and Fissile Material Cut off Treaty- FMCT

2) stop adding tactical war heads in its stockpiles

3) Stop increasing the number of Strategic Nuclear war heads as has been reported in American Papers that with the speed Pakistan is increasing its Nuclear Arsenals, Pakistan will 5th largest nuclear Power by 2025

4) stop producing short and long range missiles which have overcome India and Israel’s supremacy. Their second strike capability has also been challenged.

This is hard part of negotiations, left for General Raheel Sharif. The good things have been taken by prime minister of Pakistan. This is also a good policy – a compass of our Foreign Policy. How Prime Minister will meet Lashkare Tayyaba’s demand when it has supreme Courts’ protection. This party has done nothing wrong on the soil of Pakistan. India has not provided enough evidence against them. Why this question was discussed and came in the joint Communique. So far the American demands on our nuclear and missile programs are concerned, it has been communicated to them now and then that Pakistan is not going to compromise on its nuclear and missile programs.



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