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HomeEditorialGlobal Climate Change: Impact on Pakistan

Global Climate Change: Impact on Pakistan

The world continues to experience the profound effects of climate change, from devastating wildfires in Europe to prolonged droughts in Africa. However, few countries are as vulnerable to this crisis as Pakistan, which finds itself among the most affected despite its minimal carbon emissions. The recent COP29 climate summit, held in Baku, Azerbaijan, provided a fresh opportunity for the world to hear the plea of countries like Pakistan, which suffer the consequences of emissions they did not create. Prime Minister of Pakistan, addressing the summit, delivered a heartfelt message highlighting the injustices his country faces due to climate change and called for global solidarity and action.

Pakistan contributes less than 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions, yet it is consistently ranked among the most vulnerable nations to climate change. The country’s geographical diversity, including high mountain ranges, expansive river systems, and an extensive coastline, makes it particularly susceptible to climate-related disasters. Just last year, Pakistan experienced devastating floods that submerged a third of the country, left millions displaced, and resulted in economic damages estimated at over $30 billion. This catastrophe was a painful reminder that Pakistan is not immune to the consequences of rising global temperatures, even though it has done little to contribute to them.

At COP29, the Prime Minister of Pakistan used this platform to remind the global community of their moral obligations to help countries like his. He reiterated Pakistan’s dire situation in his impassioned speech and called for climate justice. He emphasized that Pakistan’s vulnerability is not just a national concern but a shared consequence of a global failure to reduce carbon emissions. The Prime Minister outlined the disproportionate impact on developing countries, specifically focusing on how climate-induced disasters are reversing years of hard-earned economic and social progress.

Despite numerous promises made by world powers in the past, the financial support required to help Pakistan adapt and recover from climate shocks has been insufficient. The Prime Minister underscored that at the Glasgow COP26 and Sharm El-Sheikh COP27, developed nations pledged climate finance to support vulnerable countries. Still, much of that assistance has either not materialized or been delayed. Pakistan’s needs are urgent from building resilient infrastructure to supporting agricultural adaptation, which is crucial for the livelihoods of millions. The world’s wealthiest nations, historically responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions, must honor their financial commitments to support those facing the brunt of climate change.

The outcome of COP29 offered some hope but also highlighted familiar challenges. During the summit, there was a renewed push for increasing climate finance for developing nations, with significant development banks pledging to increase funding to $120 billion by 2030. However, it is high time that the promises made need to be converted into actionable steps immediately, not merely pledged for the future.

Pakistan requires urgent investments in climate adaptation, mitigation measures, and support for rebuilding communities devastated by natural disasters. Pakistan has undertaken several initiatives to combat climate change domestically, including the ambitious 10 Billion Tree Tsunami project, which aims to restore forests and enhance carbon sequestration. Yet, Pakistan cannot bear the burden alone.

He urged developed nations to support these efforts, not just as an act of charity but as a shared responsibility to address the collective challenge of climate change. A key point made by the Prime Minister at COP29 was the urgency of loss and damage funding, a mechanism climate-vulnerable nations have long advocated. He expressed disappointment at the slow pace of operationalizing the loss and damage fund, which was agreed upon during COP27. This fund is essential for countries like Pakistan, which face losses that are beyond adaptation homes lost, lives disrupted, and ecosystems destroyed. He urged the international community to expedite the creation of this fund and ensure that it is well-resourced to help countries recover from climate-induced disasters. The reality is that Pakistan is at the frontline of the climate crisis, and without adequate international support, its future remains precarious.

The Prime Minister’s address was a stark reminder to the world that climate change is not just an environmental issue but a matter of human rights, economic justice, and global solidarity. Wealthy nations must fulfill their moral and financial commitments to support those least responsible but most affected by this crisis. The pledges made at COP29 must translate into tangible actions that will help Pakistan and other vulnerable nations secure a more sustainable future.

Pakistan’s story is one of resilience and injustice. It is time for the world to step up and support countries like Pakistan through words and meaningful action. The upcoming years will be critical, and it is incumbent upon the developed world to ensure that climate finance is not just a promise but a reality. Supporting Pakistan is not merely about aidit is about righting the wrongs of a global system that has failed to protect the most vulnerable. The world cannot afford to look away any longer, and COP29 must be remembered as the turning point where promises became actions, and actions led to hope for those most affected by the climate crisis.



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