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AMAN-17: Pakidtan Navy to organise multinational exercise of 30 world Navies


  1. Pakistan Navy has been interacting with regional and extra-regional navies through joint bilateral and multilateral exercises. Exercise AMAN is a Multinational Exercise with friendly regional and extra-regional navies to enhance interoperability and mutual understanding.
  2. Exercise AMAN is organized by Pakistan Navy biennially since 2007. Exercise AMAN-17 is fifth of Multinational Exercise AMAN series. The participation details of AMAN-07, 09, 11 and 13 is as under:
  3. AMAN-07: First Exercise was held in March 2007. During AMAN-07, a total of 28 countries participated with naval assets and observers.  Countries including China, UK, Italy, France, Malaysia and Bangladesh joined the exercise with their naval assets. A total of 14 ships from these countries actively participated in this mega event. In addition, SOF/EOD teams from Turkey, USA and Bangladesh also participated in Special Operation Forces Exercises. Furthermore, 21 countries participated in the exercise as observers. The inception of AMAN series of exercises in 2007 was a significant effort to improve maritime security in the western region of the Indian Ocean. Besides operational exercises, International Maritime Conferences have also been an integral part of AMAN exercises.

INTERNATIONAL MARITIME CONFERENCE 2007: The first International Maritime Conference was organized from 4-6 March 2007 by National Centre of Maritime Policy Research, Bahria University Karachi. Hundreds of intellectuals, delegates, representatives of various diplomatic missions, policymakers and maritime stakeholders from around the globe gathered for a common purpose: to address the issues confronting the maritime horizons of Indian Ocean region and to devise a common strategy for a mutual beneficial use of the Ocean. Topic of the first IMC was “Maritime Threats and Opportunities in the 21st Century  A global perspective on Indian Ocean. Following papers were read out by eminent scholars:

  1. “Security of Indian Ocean A global naval perspective” by Dr. James Boutilier
  2. “Integrated of Indian Ocean” by Vice Admiral (R) Jacques Mazor

iii.        “Importance of Secure Maritime Environment in Indian Ocean and Arabian Gulf  The Coalition Contribution” by

             Rear Admiral Neil Morissetti

  1. “Maritime Security within the International Strategic Milieu” by Dr. Shireen Mazari
  2. “Maritime Laws and Regimes” by Mr. Bilal Sufi
  3. “Managing the Village Pond” by Ms Romany Rasquinho

vii.       “War and other disasters: A Historic Approach to Security Strategy” by Mr. David N Griffiths

viii.      “Economy, Environment and Security” by Dr. Hassan Waqas Rana

  1. AMAN-09: Second Exercise of AMAN series was held in March 2009. A total of 24 countries participated in the exercise with naval assets and observers. The countries including USA, UK, France, Malaysia, Australia and Bangladesh took part in the exercise with their naval assets. These assets included 14 ships from the participating countries. In addition, 02 x aircraft (P-3C) from Japan participated in the exercise. SOF/ EOD teams from China, USA, Turkey, Nigeria and Bangladesh also participated in Special Operation Forces exercise. 22 countries also sent their naval experts who witnessed the exercise as observers.

INTERNATIONAL MARITIME CONFERENCE: IMC was also held during AMAN 09 from 5-7 March 2009 at Karachi. The theme of this year’s conference was “Traditional and Non Traditional Threats, Force Postures and Extra Regional Interests: Implication for Arabian Sea and Gulf Littorals”. The conference was attended by a large number of intellectuals and representatives from maritime sector. Papers on the following subjects were presented.

  1. “Arc of Instability” by Dr. James Boutilier
  2. “China and Harmonious Indian Ocean” by Dr. Wang De Hua

            Iii.        “Emerging Non Proliferation Trends” by Ms Maria Sultan

  1. “China’s Perspective of Maritime Security in the Gulf and Malacca Strait” by Dr. Ye Hailin
  2. “Key Issues in Maritime Security” by Rear Admiral Philips Jones
  3. “Legal issues in Anti Piracy Operations in the Gulf of  Aden” by Dr. Hanling Wang

            vii.       “Extra-regional presence and Maritime Force Postures: Implication for Arabian Sea and the Gulf littorals”

       By Stanley B.Weeks

  1. AMAN-11: The resounding success of the first two AMAN exercises promoted Pakistan Navy to expand the canvas of the exercise with increased number of participating countries in AMAN-11. Third Exercise of the AMAN series was conducted from 8-12 March 2011. The exercise was attended by 28 countries participated with naval assets and observers. Countries which participated in the exercise with naval assets included Australia, China, France, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and USA. These naval assets included 11 ships from the participating navies and 03 aircraft from Australia and Japan. In addition, 03 SOF/ EOD/Marines teams from China, Turkey and USA also participated during the Exercise AMAN-11.

INTERNATIONAL MARITIME CONFERENCE 2001:  In connection with AMAN-11, International Maritime Conference was held from 8-9 March 2001 under the auspices of National Centre for Maritime Policy Research, Bahria University, Karachi. “Maritime Security Management Contemporary Challenges and Need for Global Cooperation” was the theme selected for this year’s conference. Papers on the following subjects were presented by the scholars of international repute.

  1. “Security of Ports and Shipping” by Captain Hashim Husnain
  2. “Knowledge Transfer Partnerships in the Maritime Sector” by Mr. Bari Malik

iii.        “Policing the Arabian Sea  Challenges and Pitfalls” by Commodore Azir Mumtaz

  1. “Regional Impact of Maritime Security Regimes” by Prof Chris Bellamy
  2. “Non Traditional Security Challenges and International Cooperation in Construction of Harmonious Indian Ocean” by Prof Wang Dehua

  1. AMAN-13: AMAN-13 was the 4th exercise of AMAN series which was conducted from 4-8 Mar 2013. The exercise proved to be instrumental in enhancing the tactical and operational readiness as well as friendly ties amongst the participating navies. With the participation of 36 countries, which was the largest number compared with previous exercises, Pakistan Navy endeavoured to establish an understanding between the cross cutting cleavages encompassing maritime security operations, anti terrorist operations and humanitarian assistance operations. The naval assets comprised 12 foreign ships, Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft, ship borne helicopters, two Japanese P3Cs, 9 SOF/EOD teams, 5 senior officers from participating navies. In addition, more than 40 observers from 24 countries also witnessed the exercise as observers.

INTERNATIONAL MARITIME CONFERENCE 2013:  Like preceding exercises, IMC was also organized during AMAN 13 which was held from 5-7 March 2013. The topic selected for the conference was “Regional Maritime Security Dynamics, Imperatives and Inter-Dependencies”. This year’s was also attended by renowned scholars, professors and experts from maritime sector who presented their papers on the following topics:

  1. “The Asia Pacific Strategic Environment and Maritime Security Challenges: Implications for North Indian Ocean Maritime Security” by Dr. Stanley Byron Weeks
  2. “Strengthening the Cooperation Maintaining the Security of Sea Lane on the India Ocean Together” by             Rear

             Admiral Yuan Yubai

iii.        “Maritime Security Dynamic in the North Indian Ocean and Sino-Pak Cooperation” by Dr. Xia Liping

  1. “Emerging Maritime Challenges in the Indian Ocean Region an Role of Pakistan Navy” by Rear Admiral Abdul


  1. “Indian Ocean Maritime Security Cooperation: The Need to Address Shared Risks and Vulnerabilities,

             Particularly from Non Traditional Security Challenges” by Commodore     (R) Lee Cordner RAN

  1. “Ocean of Unity: Promoting Economic Cooperation in the Indian Ocea Region” by Mr. Nazery Khalid

vii.       “An Integrated Approach to Disrupting the Piracy    Business Model in the Horn of Africa” by Dr. Lucia             Fanning

viii.      “Enterprise and Innovation in the Maritime Sector: The       Tri-Partnership of Knowledge, Capital and Policy”

             By  Mr. Khillat Bari Malik

  1. Multinational Exercise AMAN-17 is scheduled from 10-14 February 2017. Navies from 71x countries have been extended invitation to participate in the exercise. Presently, navies from 35 countries have confirmed their participation with ships, aircraft, SOF/EOD/Marines Teams and observers in this exercise.


  1. The Exercise is to be planned with focused objectives, which are as under:

  1. Project positive image of Pakistan as a country contributing towards regional peace and stability.
  2. Consolidate PN’s position in the regional maritime arena.
  3. Enhancing interoperability with regional and extra regional navies thereby acting as a bridge between the


  1. Display of united resolve against terrorism and crimes in maritime domain.


  1. The Exercise is to be designed to provide a common forum for:
  2. Information sharing, mutual understanding and identifying areas of common interests for group analysis

             and dialogues through International Maritime Conference.

  1. To develop and practice response tactics, techniques and procedures against asymmetric and traditional

             threats during sea phase of the exercise.

  1. Intermingling of multinationals with depiction of their respective cultures during cultural shows/ food galas.


  1. Exercise will be divided into Harbour and Sea Phases. Details of the phases are as under:

Harbour Activities

  1. Arrival of Participating Units.
  2. Opening Ceremony.
  3. Wreath Laying at Mazar-e-Quaid
  4. Friendly Sport Matches
  5. Maritime Counter Terrorism Demo by SSG(N)/ Pak Marines.
  6. Ships visits
  7. International Maritime Conference (IMC) under aegis of National Centre for Maritime Policy Research (NCMPR) at Bahria University

  2. International Fleet Review (IFR) An International Fleet Review (IFR) is scheduled at sea on 14 February
  3. During IFR, various operational activities/ serials will be conducted as follows:

(1)        Fly Past by Air Units

(2)        RAS (L) Token

(3)        Anti Piracy Demonstration by PN MSW Team

(4)        Surface Firing on KILLER TOMATO (Floating Baloon Target)

(5)        Man and Cheer Ship

(6)        Formation AMAN/ PHOTEX

  1. In addition to IFR, other sea activities are as under:

(1)        MISCEX-830 (Simple Manoeuvres)

(2)        RAS Approaches

(3)        Surface Practice Firing with main armament on KILLER TOMATO (Floating Balloon Target)

(4)        SVBSS Ops

(5)        SAR Exercise (Responding distress call of stranded boats)

(6)        RAS (L) Token

(7)        Cross Deck Landings

(8)        Anti Piracy Demonstration by PN SSG (N)

(9)        SAR Exercise (Recovery of Stranded Personnel)

(10)      CASEX C-2 (Basic ASW Coordinated Exercise) TBC

(11)      ASMDEX 0403/0404

(12)      MISCEX-832 (Screen Exercise)

(13)      MIOEX (Identifying and Classifying COI)

(14)      SURFEX 993 (MOD) (Combined MIO Boarding Ops)

  2. SOF/ EOD Seminar.
  3. Maritime Counter Terrorism Demo by PN SSG(N).
  4. Scenario Based Anti Terrorist Exercise.
  5. Display of EOD equipment, Table Top Discussions, mine disposal workshop and scenario based exercise.
  6. Boarding rehearsals
  7. Display of weapons, SVBSS/HVBSS rehearsals, Table Top Anti Terrorist Teams (ATT)

            discussions and scenario based          exercise.

  1. Equipment familiarization
  2. Combat Marksmanship Training

  1. NATIONS PARTICIPATING WITH NAVAL ASSETS. Ships, Aircraft, Helos and SOF/EOD/Marines Teams of 12 countries will participate in Ex AMAN 17:
  2. 35 countries are participating with observers:


ASMDEX          : Anti Ship Missile Defence Exercise

CASEX              : Combined Anti Submarine Exercise

EOD                 : Explosive Ordnance Disposal

MIO                 : Maritime Interdiction Operation

RAS (L)             : Replenishment At Sea (Liquid)

SAR                  : Search And Rescue

SOF                  : Special Operation Force



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