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HomeMiddle EastOne year of the Israel - Palestine conflict

One year of the Israel – Palestine conflict

Muhammad Aamir Sultan

The war between Israel and Hamas that started a year ago on 7th October 2023 is one of the deadliest wars in recent times and for the Palestinians. This 5th war of Israel-Palestine started with the attack of Hamas on Israel. This surprise attack was a shock for Israel and it was also a failure of Mossad that it failed to anticipate an attack from Gaza. Hundreds of Hamas Mujahid crossed the barriers and attacked Israeli military bases and civilian settlers. In this attack, around 1200 people including more than 300 personnel of IDF were killed. 250 Israelis and foreigners were taken as hostage to force Israel to release Palestinian prisoners.

For the last 75 years, Israel’s continued its occupation, demolishing of Palestinian houses, beleaguering of Gaza, encroachment of settlements, Israel’s violation and disregard for international law, and threats to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Hamas’s attack came after the failure of the United Nations and world powers in resolving the Palestinian problem and continuously ignoring the ordeal of the Palestinians.

Israel with the objectives of destroying Hamas and freeing hostages launched one of the most destructive bombing campaigns in modern times and invaded Gaza on 27 October 2023. Since then according to Associated Press, more than 42,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed of whom around 18,000 were women and children. More than 90% of the infrastructure of Gaza including houses, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and business centers has been destroyed. Nearly 2.5 million population have been forcibly displaced and become homeless. Hundreds of thousands of children have become orphans.

Now on completion of one year of war, Gaza is desperately low on water, fuel, and supplies while Israel has restricted the amount of aid that can enter. Many humanitarian agencies suspended their operations after Israel killed several aid workers.  The World Food Program warns famine is now imminent in Gaza. Only eleven out of thirty-five hospitals in the strip remain partially functional due to attacks on medical infrastructure and a lack of basic supplies. The World Health Organization has warned of disease spread in addition to mounting civilian casualties. And this “non-stop nightmare” for Palestinians is still going on.

Since the start of this war, it has been argued that Why Hamas started a war when it cannot compete with Israel. Some analysts termed it a “false flag operation” in favor of Israel, some blamed Hamas as a product of Mossad, some considered Hamas a “Naive friend” of Palestinians, and criticized Hamas for attacking Israel. After one year of this conflict when the situation is assessed, we try to find out what Hamas has gained from this war.

International recognition of the conflict:

The war in Gaza made the world realize that the Palestine – Israel issue is not yet over, it’s alive and needs resolution. In the 79th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly, the world leaders emphasized on “Two-State solution” of the Palestine – Israel conflict. Out of 193 members of the United Nations 28 countries have not yet recognized Israel as a sovereign state. Before the start of the war, Saudi Arabia was very enthusiastically working to develop diplomatic and trade relations with Israel. Under Saudi influence, five other Muslim countries were also expected to recognize Israel. Hamas attack and war in Gaza halted this progress on Israel’s recognition and now it’s linked with Palestine state.

Support from the international community:

During this conflict for the first time Palestinian cause got huge support from people in Europe and the United States. Specially students fully supported Palestine and condemned Israeli atrocities in Gaza. Large demonstrations in favor of Palestine were held across Europe including England, France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, and Sweden.

In the United States history largest protest for Palestine and against Israel was held on 4th November 2023. In this “National March on Washington: Free Palestine”, 200,000 to 300,000 people participated. The march called for a ceasefire in Gaza, and condemned Israel’s “genocide in Gaza”. It was the largest Palestine solidarity protest in U.S. history.

On 11th November 2023, about 300,000 demonstrators marched in central London chanting “Stop bombing Gaza” and “Ceasefire now” in the largest Palestine solidarity demonstration held in the country so far, it was also one of the largest in British political history.

On 22nd October 2022 around 30,000 people waving Palestinian flags and chanting “Gaza, Paris is with you” gathered for the pro-Palestinian demonstration in Paris.

During one year of this war, the support of European and American people for Palestine and their cause was unprecedented.

Diplomatic advances:

Before the start of the war, 143 countries had recognized Palestine as a sovereign state in June 2024 Ireland, Spain, and Norway formally recognized Palestine as a state. Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and Barbados are the other countries that have recognized Palestine this year. Belgium, Malta, and Slovenia are other European nations that are considering to recognize Palestinian statehood.

Besides people officials in the United States administration have also expressed their concern over Joe Biden’s continuous support to Israel and at least one dozen officials have resigned in protest over President Joe Biden’s Gaza policy accusing his administration of complicity in the killing and starvation of Palestinians as Israel’s war on Gaza. Saudi Arabia which was keen to establish diplomatic relations with Israel and was completely quiet after Israel’s invasion of Gaza has taken a turn.  On 18th September de facto ruler the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Muhammad Bin Salman announced that the kingdom would not establish ties with Israel until a Palestinian state had been created.

Support at United Nations:

On 18th September United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution calling on Israel to end its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories within a year. The resolution “demands” the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Palestinian territories, a halt to new settlements, the return of seized land and property, and the possibility of return for displaced Palestinians. There were 124 votes in favor, 14 against, and a notable 43 abstentions. This demonstration of international support for the Palestinian cause was also evident during the 79th United Nations General Assembly. Even the most dependable ally of Israel Joe Biden also realized the need for a realistic and practical solution to the Palestinian crisis. Speaking at the U.N. General Assembly, Biden, who has come under fire for his administration’s unconditional support to Israel, admitted that a two-state solution with a Palestinian state, in which Palestinians can live peacefully, is the only way to ensure permanent peace.

Israel humiliation at International Court of justice (ICJ):

In December 2023 South Africa approached to International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. South Africa’s case maintained that Israel violated the 1948 Genocide Convention. Later 12 other countries either applied to join or declared intention to join this case. Those include:

  • Applied to join were: Nicaragua, Columbia, Libya, Mexico, and Palestine.
  • Declared intention to join: Belgium, Turkey, Egypt, Maldives, Ireland, Chile and Spain.

The ICJ delivered its opinion on 19 July 2024. The court held Israel responsible for the genocide of Palestinians since October 7 last year. The Court added that Israel’s legislation and measures violate the international prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid. The ICJ mandated Israel to end its occupation, dismantle its settlements, provide full reparations to Palestinian victims, and facilitate the return of displaced people.

The Court emphasized that Israel is under an obligation to bring to an end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible, cease all new settlement activities, evacuate settlers, and make reparations for damages caused.

At present most of the countries are supporting the Two-State solution which is not a new solution it was first proposed by the British Peel Commission report in 1937. It was a proposal for separate Arab and Jewish states. In the recent past, some UN members made some initiatives for granting recognition to Palestine. Australia, Ireland, Malta, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom are supporting this solution. Recently Joe Biden also spoke for a Two-State solution in his address to UNGA. But the question is can the United Nations and its 192 member countries and ICJ force Israel to adopt a Two-State solution and vacate the occupied territory?

The author is Sr. Associate Professor at Bahria University.



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