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HomeNational PoliticsEnergy Security of Pakistan All sources including Nuclear one

Energy Security of Pakistan All sources including Nuclear one

On Saturday, 1st March, 2014, at “Regent Plaza”, Karachi.


1. Mr. Mohammedmian Soomro 2. Mr. Ghulam R. Athar 3. Mr. Nusrat Mirza
4. Ms. Bismah Mirza 5. Mr. Javed Jabbar
6. Prof. Dr. Syed Wasimuddin 7. Dr. Talat A. Wizarat 8. Prof. Dr. Shahida Wizarat
9. Dr. Huma Baqai 10. Mr. Shahid M. Amin 11. Dr. Ansar Pervez
12. Prof. Dr. Tahir 13. Dr. Riaz A. Shaikh 14. Mr. Ahmad Ali Shah

Rabita Forum International - rfipakistanKarachi – Dr. Ansar Pervez Chairmen Atomic Energy Commission while addressing seminar organized by Rabita Forum International has said that Atomic Power Plant provides sustainable and cheap energy to the country. There is no danger for the city as one judge no incident took place in KANUPP since last 41 years of it functioning, her further said. “New Chinese power plants K2/K3 that we are going to install are of generation three and of latest art of technology and that we have the experience to operate” he claimed.

“Advance countries of the world are utilizing nuclear energy to meet their demands; why not we, who are energy short country and our people, are suffering having no light, students can’t study as we face load shedding every day. Seventy percent of France’s Energy requirements are met through nuclear power plants”, he added “There are enough safety measure to cope up with Tsunami, Earthquakes and any terrorist attack” he assured the audience of students of Karachi University, Urdu University, Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, IBA, Szabist and IOBM and citizens. Earlier Mr. Mohammedmian Soomro Former Chairman Senate speaking in inaugural session said that being a nuclear engineer “I would support nuclear energy together with all resources. Pakistan is in need of energy and its requirements have to be met joining together” Mr. Javed Jabbar while presiding over first session in his presidential remarks said that Pakistan is energy short country & it has to obtain energy from all resources, Coal, Solar, Wind, Hydro & Nuclear one.

Rabita Forum International - rfipakistan

Other speakers also emphasized that nuclear energy is clean sustainable, cheap and clear. The hydral system though cheaper but initial cost is too high and displace thousand of villagers and citizens together with the water level increases. Further, in case of drought this method of producing energy affects significantly. Solar and wind Systems should also be tried. And Mr. Nusrat Mirza chairmen Rabita Forum International said that we need the energy from resources hydral, Coal, Solar, Wind and Nuclear one. Why to spare nuclear one when Pakistan has the expertise in it. Producing energy through nuclear technology is a cheaper and sustainable energy source.

The other speakers were: Mr. Ghulam Rasool Athar of PAEC, Dr. Riaz Shaikh Head socialSciences Szabist, Prof. Dr. Talaat Wizarat of IBA, Dr. Huma Baqai Director Public Affairs IBA, Dr. Shahida Wizarat Director Research IOBM, Prof. Dr. Tahir Masood Chairman Mass Communications Department KU, Mr. Ahmad Ali an expert, Dr. Wasiuddin Chairman International Relations Urdu University read out papers. It was consensus among speakers and audience that all sources of energy should be used to meet the energy crisis of Pakistan which affected every Pakistan’s life socially, economically and psychologically. The seminars was unique as a large numbers of students participated of Karachi University, Urdu University, IOBM, IBA, Szabist and other institutions. The students were awarded certificate of participation and speakers were presented the Seminar’s momento by Dr. Ansar Pervez, Ambassador Shahid Amin who presided second session and Mir Nawaz Khan Marwat.




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